Solve the Problems
Each round consists of 1 puzzle and 4 proof-based problems. The problems vary in difficulty, so there is something challenging yet approachable for everyone.
See this year’s problemsWrite Your Solutions
Unlike most other contests, you’ll have over a month to solve the problems and write up your solutions. You’re also allowed to consult certain reference material.

Get Feedback
Our graders not only give you a score, but also personalized written feedback to help you develop your mathematical and writing skills.
Win Prizes
At the end of the year, the top 45% of students will receive prizes, including math books and T-shirts. Prizes may include Wolfram software subscriptions as well. The USAMTS is also one way to qualify for the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME).

Interested? Join our mailing list to receive updates about the USAMTS, such as announcements that problems are available or that scores have been released. To compete, register today! Students can register any time during the year, even if the first round has already completed.